Upcoming Changes to Alternate Format Ban Lists

It’s been a while since the latest changes to the ban lists of the various alternate formats available on justinbasil.com. Since it’s been a while, there are more than a handful of changes that will all go into effect after the Type Focus—Water tournament. All of these ban list changes will be effective as of at midnight US Central Time on 5 February 2022.


One card has been added to the Aceless format ban list. Dragapult RCL 91 is now banned in the Aceless format.


Two cards have been added to the Alola format ban list. Dusk Stone and Lt. Surge’s Strategy.

Type Focus

As of this update, the Type Focus format will no longer share its ban list with the Expanded format. As a result, several cards have been unbanned and two cards that were not previously banned are now banned.

The following cards are no longer banned in the Type Focus format:

Flabébé FLI
Mismagius UNB
Puzzle of Time
Shaymin-EX ROS

The following cards are now banned in the Type Focus format:

Dusk Stone
Scoop Up Net

The following cards remain banned in the Type Focus format:

Archeops NVI/DEX
Chip-Chip Ice Axe
Forest of Giant Plants
Hex Maniac
Island Challenge Amulet
Jessie & James
Lt. Surge’s Strategy
Lysandre’s Trump Card
Marshadow SLG
Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick
Milotic FLF
Oranguru UPR
Red Card
Reset Stamp
Sableye DEX
Unown LOT 90
Unown LOT 91

PTCGL Type Focus

Two cards have been added to the PTCGL Type Focus format. Dusk Stone and Lt. Surge’s Strategy.
